Client Spotlight

Level Up! Keep improving after the diet ends.

🌟Client Spotlight🌟 We have been working together for over 2 years now and I am so proud of all he has accomplished.

He began his journey with me after losing a substantial amount of weight (over 100 lbs!) and though super successful on his own with weight loss, moving away from the dieters mentality was a hurdle he was having trouble navigating on his own.

This client had already lost 100lbs before we started working together.

Post weight loss there is an understandable fear of regaining the weight back. (Unfortunately, this is the common reality for most.) It’s nerve wracking to increase calories, to increase carbohydrates, and to decrease activity.

His goals with me included building more muscle, but he wanted to do so in a sustainable way that minimized fat regain.

Initailly I guided him through a reverse diet followed by a long lean muscle building phase that together lasted a full 18 months. In that time we increased his calories (including carbohydrates) and I tailored his weight training program to fit his physique goals while keeping in mind the various obstacles he faced along the way. I adjusting his program as needed as he dealt with life and work. I guiding him through the recovery process after an accident that crushed his toe just 9 months into the process, and even more recently, adjusted his programming to accommodate a healing finger that needed stitches after an accident in the kitchen. (Life keeps happening even when we have fitness goals, and if we stay positive and creative there is always progress to be gained.)

At the end of the 18 month build be was up 10kgs or 22 lbs. Even though he gained a little bit of fat along the way, what he actually gained was mostly muscle.

Over the last 6 months we embarked on a fat loss journey. Using a small deficit and continuing to resistance train he slowly revealed the muscle he worked to build. During his fat loss phase his strength continued to go up and he still ate a substantial amount of food including plenty of protein and carbohydrates. In this time he lost fat and retained his muscle (even built muscle) reducing his scale weight by about 3-4kgs or 7-8 lbs. Notice by his pictures he is leaner now than when we started 2 years ago, but he is still up in scale weight by about 6-7kgs or 15 lbs.

2 years later! Not only has this client maintained his fat loss results, he continues to build more muscle!

Not all scale weight increases are to be feared! He has learned that first hand. Over his 18 month build he averaged a gain of .54kgs or 1.2lbs per month and the vast majority of those gains were from increasing his lean muscle mass. This is incredible!

His full transformation to date. Weight loss is only the beginning! Building muscle after the diet ends is the next step for epic results that last!

I know first hand what it takes to lose weight. I also know how hard it is to let go of an attachment to certain scale numbers to keep those results coming. But it’s so worth it to keep going after the “diet” ends. I deeply appreciate his trust in me to stay the course and stay consistent with my recommendations day in and day out these last few years.

What’s next for him? We are currently on his second reverse diet. We are building back calories and carbohydrates and aiming for some more lean muscle gains. It’s time to take his current results to yet another level!

Weight loss is only the beginning. It feels amazing to keep setting goals and to continue to level up.

Also see his full transformation to date. It is possible to lose weight, keep it off, and build a strong, capable, and healthy body.

If we can do it. You can too.

If you have thought about having me as your coach to support you along your own fitness journey check out the Online Fitness Coaching page on my website for more info and how to inquire about my online fitness coaching service. Receive customized activity and nutrition plans, monthly virtual calls, and weekly email check in’s.

Find his and additional Client Testimonials here.

Client Spotlight

The 2 Basic Foundations of Sustainable Weight Loss: Consistency And Time

🌟Client Spotlight🌟

1 year later and this amazing client never ceases to amaze me.

She show’s the power of staying consistent over time. She consistently reaches her step goal and fits in her workouts. She consistently meets her protein and calorie targets. All to maximize her ability to build muscle, get stronger and reduce body fat.

This is not to say that in the last year there have not been difficult days or even weeks.

As I remind all my clients, we do not live in a bubble when we decide to make fitness a priority. As a full time working parent and wife she still juggles life’s demands.
But through all of it, she still makes fitness a priority.

And because she has, she is making incredible progress that is both maintainable and sustainable.

As I reminded her recently in our weekly email check in. She can do this. Because she has already done it.

Time and consistency will keep giving her the results.

Because the time will pass anyway. Why not make the most of it.

Let’s make the most of your time!

Melanie was my last ditch attempt at losing weight before I decided I would just give up. I had spent the previous 9 years since I had my daughter being told by doctors that I needed to lose weight, but them providing me with no or very unhelpful guidance in how to do so. This culminated with a doctor telling me the only way I would lose weight was if I went on a 1,000 calorie a day diet of protein shakes and veggies. Previous doctors had told me I would lose weight if I got a handle on my stress. One told me to start taking the stairs instead of the elevator after I told her that I worked out in the gym 6 days a week. I’ve worked out religiously for 20 years, but I never understood nutrition which led to a vicious pattern of restricting food and then binging because I was so hungry. Every time I tried something new to lose weight, I would end up gaining some more. Then came COVID. I was stuck in the house with a 7 year old trying to do virtual school and also work full time. My husband had to continue to work outside the home. My anxiety was through the roof and I ate all my feelings. I gained 30 pounds in a short period of time.

My goal has never been to lose a massive amount of weight. I just wanted to feel like myself again. Fit into my clothes again. So far, I’ve lost 10% of my body weight and the clothes that were packed away fit again. Best of all, I feel so strong and healthy and I feel like I’m setting a good example for my daughter.

Melanie’s greatest quality as a coach is her kindness. She is always supportive and never judgmental. Whenever I have a bad week and feel like a failure, she sends me motivating messages that make me feel like I’m normal and I can get right back to the plan. She takes all aspects of my life into consideration. Working full time, being a mom, hormone changes, sleep changes, holidays, and traveling are all acknowledged and considered when coming up with a healthy living plan. She doesn’t pretend like I live in a bubble and am unaffected by outside forces.

She doesn’t hold me to a plan of foods that I don’t like. I can eat whatever I want as long as it fits within my macros. Her workouts are very easy to follow and make the best use of my time. I actually spend less time in the gym now than I did before I started working with her. Working smarter, not harder. I’m still a work in progress, but I’m gaining my confidence back.

If you’re on the fence about hiring a trainer, I highly advise that you take the leap. Don’t give up on yourself. I promise that you will not be disappointed working with Melanie.


If you have thought about having me as your coach to support you along your own fitness journey check out the Online Fitness Coaching page on my website for more info and how to inquire about my online fitness coaching service. Receive customized activity and nutrition plans, monthly virtual calls, and weekly email check in’s.

Find additional Client Testimonials.

Follow me on Instagram for more tips, free recipes, and full days of eating.