Fitness Tips

Find Your Turning Point Now

Earlier in my life I attempted to lose weight more times than I can count. 

During an attempt I took up swimming.  I had recently hurt my knee after a fall down my back garden steps.  Swimming was a good fit because it allowed for movement while not aggravating my knee injury.  

I started feeling better.  I started feeling proud of myself.  

Then I shared with someone how I’d taken up swimming and how I was focusing on losing weight again.  This individual promptly told me that swimming was not going to help me lose weight.  Great that it was helping me feel better, but not to get my hopes up for weight loss.

This conversation was devastating.  I lost my drive to go swimming.  I allowed it to set me back on my fitness journey for many years to follow. 

Recently I’ve been sharing simple ways you can start to incorporate healthier habits into your daily routine.  This is because getting started with something and then to BUILD off of that initial momentum is crucial. 

We all have to start somewhere. We also need to believe ALL our efforts are worth it.  Because they are.

Could our efforts be optimized and maximized?  Of course!  That’s what I do as a coach for my clients.  I help my clients optimize their time and efforts so they can achieve amazing and long term results.  

But, building a base of healthy habits through small daily actions and believing it’s worth it to do so creates both momentum and confidence to remain consistent. 

Consistency is key for progress.

My turning point came after having my daughter.  With an infant to care for I had to find ways to incorporate my health goals into my busy days.  I had to get creative to make it work.  I also started to believe in my efforts again no matter how small they were.

From 2016-2017, in less than ideal conditions, I managed to lose 40 lbs during my first year postpartum. 

The momentum I created then still carries me through today.  Sure, by deepening my education and experience I have learned how to optimize and maximize my efforts to take my results and that of my clients to the next level.  

But never underestimate the power of ALL of your efforts towards a healthier version of you.  Don’t be discouraged.  Keep going.  You’ve got this!

If you have thought about having me as your coach to support you along your own fitness journey check out the Online Fitness Coaching page on my website for more info and how to inquire about my online fitness coaching service. Receive customized activity and nutrition plans, monthly virtual calls, and weekly email check in’s.

See my client testimonials.

Follow me on Instagram for more tips, free recipes, and full days of eating.

Fitness Tips

How To Reach 10k Steps Per Day Without A Treadmill

When it comes to making any fitness or activity goal happen day in and day out  without fail it’s imperative to be open and creative.  If we think the only way to reach a step goal is time on a treadmill, think again.

What happens if you can’t get to the gym?  Don’t own a treadmill? 

Do these obstacles mean you need to skip getting in your daily steps? 

Of course not.  You have choices.  

Next are a few creative ways to increase your daily step count without access to a treadmill.

  1. Walk outside.  Personally I dress for the weather rain, snow, or shine and make it happen.  Daily outdoor light is a must and why not combine the time with a walk.  Enjoy a podcast, talk to a friend on the phone, or meet up with someone and make the time enjoyable.  My daughter is my step buddy.  We love our walks and talks together. 
  2. Walk inside.  Pace around the house.  Take more laps through the isles in a big box store.  Mall walk.  Take the stairs.  When tidying up at home take several trips instead of one and rack up a few more.  Every extra bit of activity counts. 
  3. Walk in place.  This is my secret weapon and I’ve done it for years and years.  This has been the way I make sure to never miss my daily step goal. I walk in place while watching a show, studying, reading, talking on the phone, and even in between sets during my workouts.  Yes, at the end of a long day I have been known to walk in place to ensure I have those last few steps before diving head first into bed.  Lol!

Make realistic goals, commit, be creative, and then make them happen. You’ve got this!

If you have thought about having me as your coach to support you along your own fitness journey check out the Online Fitness Coaching page on my website for more info and how to inquire about my online fitness coaching service. Receive customized activity and nutrition plans, monthly virtual calls, and weekly email check in’s.

Follow me on Instagram for evidence based fitness tips, free recipes, and full days of eating.